
One Picture, Soooo Many Words

(28 weeks pregnant)
If you only knew!
So much.
Just so much.
I'm sure you have figured out from the sporadic posts that I heavily contemplated closing down this blog.
Mainly because my life has changed so much and documenting my outfits just wasn't super important to me.
Then there's the whole "over saturation" of style blogs thing,.
How many outfits can I show you that are earth shattering?
Not that many.
The problem is/was that I have always blogged my life/journey/interests through my outfit posts so I felt like I would miss it if it were completely gone.
I didn't want to turn this into a mommy blog because seriously...aren't there enough of those lol!
So I just sat.
And worked.
And took care of my family.
And sat.
Started having more and more bad days at work.
Still super pregnant.
Kept feeling this shift in my spirit.
All of that was happening but yet I didn't know what to say here in this space.
I've never been great at small talk.
Ask my family.
They hate that about me.
Ask my friends.
It amuses them.
If I don't have anything meaningful to say at any given moment, I don't say anything at all.
I would much rather sit in silence and judge people. (Just kidding!)
I don't like filling up space with meaningless banter.
So I didn't want to do that here on the blog.
If you follow me on Instagram and on my Facebook you may have picked up a clue or two on what I have been focusing on for a while.
"Creating the things that I wished existed."
So long story short, I've been teaching for over 15 years now.
Every year, I grew unhappier.
Every year, I became deflated by the politics.
But it's job security, right?
Not these days.
Well, one thing led to another and this is my last year teaching...in the traditional sense of the word anyway.
I literally have 6 more days of teaching.
But I'm soooooo okay with it.
You have no idea.
This new development has now led me down the path of entrepreneurship.
A scary path.
An unknown path.
But a much desired path.
A path I had no idea I even wanted a year ago.
A passionate path.
I'm still ironing out the kinks now but please know that I will let you know when everything has launched.
I teach high school seniors and I'm always preaching "You can be anything! You can do anything!'
But I wasn't practicing what I was preaching.
I literally can not live another year and not follow my true path.
One that will hopefully inspire others to go for it.
The truth...
I'm scared as shit.
Not to mention that I'm 7 months pregnant as I type this.
And I'm turning 40 in 3 months!
What a time to make major life changes!
I'm scared.
But proud of myself.
And I'm more scared of NOT going for it than failure.
I'll be able to talk more about it soon.
Which leads me to the point of this particular post...
I'm not shutting anything down over here.
I love connecting with you guys.
And let's face it...
You get me.
The last few months have left me bubbling with things to share and I realize that I do have a voice on this blog.
A voice that resonates with so many of you.
There may be an occasional outfit post here and there because I still go out of my way to not look busted but moreso I want to take you along for this next chapter of my journey.
I don't have everything figured out. (Not like step by step anyway...)
But I do know me.
And if nobody is going to bet on me...
I damn sure will!
My ultimate goal is to make my husband proud of me.
For my children to think that I am fearless.
And for me to inspire other people.
I have 3 specific projects I'm working on this summer.
One of them is delivering this baby boy in August!
Thank you for riding with me all of these years!
( Photo above: I specifically chose to document this day. Pregnant belly and all because this is the day that I want to look back on and say "Man, I was scared about the future this day but I officially went for it. This is the day that things started to change." No make up. 28 weeks pregnant. Almost 40 but on my way to who I truly want to be.)
(Have you ever been scared shitless but excited at the same damn time? lol....please share!) 

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