
Black Out Challenge...Sorta

Okay. Let me explain. I know I'm not supposed to wear black all week...I know, I know. I KNOW!! It was an accident! I didn't realize that this dress was black! I SWEAR!! I completely thought this was NAVY BLUE! Honest! This dress has been hanging in my closet for weeks and I've never worn it until today. I was under the assumption that I was wearing a navy blue dress. It wasn't until I got to work, sitting in a meeting... bored to tears that I realized that this was BLACK PLAID, NOT BLUE PLAID!! AGGH!! I felt disgusted at myself!
How in the hell am I going to initiate a challenge and FAIL at it!Ralph Lauren Taffeta Wrap Dress, Kate Spade Shoes, Old Gap Jean Jacket

Yes, I could have run home to change into something all colorful and challenge worthy but that's just psycho and an honest mistake. Doesn't it look navy to you? It does right.

(Are you wondering if I am actually standing in the frozen yogurt shop posing for pictures? The answer is yes. I was thinking it was a cute place, why not take a picture there...lol)

Since I am confessing...let me go ahead and tell it all. I didn't wear that jean jacket to work. Because I thought I was wearing a navy dress, I wore my Navy blazer with it. When I was in the meeting and made the horrible discovery, I felt dirty. I hate not matching...well not matching in an ugly way. All of a sudden, I started feeling paranoid. I kept thinking people were pointing and laughing at me. My left shoulder started twitching as if I was having an allergic reaction to the discovery that I was wearing navy and black together...not that I'm against that combo...but this was not one of those cases where it was cute. I finally just took the damn jacket off because I kept scratching like ants were crawling over me(not really)...ALL OF THIS BECAUSE I WASN'T MATCHING THE WAY I THOUGHT I WAS! So just may be I am a little psycho.
(Kate spade Shoes)
As soon as I got home, I knew I had to take pictures but I couldn't handle wearing the wrong jacket any longer. For your sake, I threw on the jean jacket. Ay de mi'!!. Extreme mental exhaustion today...all behind the color NAVY!

(Here is the dress posted on Ralph Lauren's site. Overlook the fact that the model doesn't do the dress justice like I do...but doesn't it look navy? LOL)

So, I'm guessing I failed at this challenge today? In my defense, I really believed I was wearing navy. Really I did. That's got to count for something? In my heart, I was wearing navy:) God knows my heart! LOL


kim said...

it's ok, no judgments here. It was an honest mistake :) The dress is very cute, you look great.

Clothes Are Cute
Clothes Are Cute

a cherry tree said...

Gorgeous dress and I agree, you rock it better than the model! :)

I'm often mistaking navy for black, for some reason mainly with Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger sweaters?! Random!

<3 xxx

Kyla said...

Wow! That dress look aaaahmaaaazing on you! And those shoes?! Divine!

Moni @ CL Journal said...

Girl, you rocking the hell out of that dress. I'm slightly color blind, so in my mind, I probably would have thought it was dark blue myself!

Those red pumps are killing it! LOVE THEM!

Emilie said...

Love the red shoes!

kenge said...

Since I'm your friend I'll be honest with you and say No it doesnt look blue but it is still a cute dress. I need to take you up on one of the challenges since Ive been going to work looking like a straight bum. The kids are wearing me out and Im tired.

glenna said...

I completely understand. Once I about died of embarrassment when I wore navy nylon hose with a black dress.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Reiko...I too must be honest...it doesn't look navy. AT ALL!!(smile) BUT...it is sooo cute ...so you get a pass!!!Keep posting pictures...it keeps me entertained while I counsel students.

pchanner said...

I am just jelous, i have yet to rock red shoes and feel confident about it yet. Good job.

Vising from SITS

Chelsea said...

haha, you are cracking me up lady! I hate when something just feels off... it's totally distracting to me too! But you look great, breaking your own rules or not :)

P.S. I know you probably know this, but you've got the best shoes!! Wish I didn't look like Bambi in heels like that!

Danielle said...

That is the most fabulous dress I've ever seen!!!! LOVE it!

FabFash50s said...

I can't tell the difference between black and navy until I take it outside in full sunlight - since we haven't had full sunlight in weeks I have no idea if I've been mixing the two! Besides, you look AMAZING! The dress, the shoes, the jacket! Awesome as usual. And you make me laugh out loud, thanks for that, too!

Anonymous said...

LOL...honest mistake...you cheated. But at least you look gorg. xo Mish

FashionAddict said...

I am seriously in LOVE with this outfit! It is flirty and cute and just plain lovely!

Christen said...

I laughed so hard when reading this! Mainly because it's totally a mistake I would make :) Black or not, the dress looks amazing on you - love the plaid and the silhouette! That picture of the dress and shoes is great too! Don't worry - you didn't fail :) Think of it as an opportunity to make your readers smile - because I certainly did!

L said...

lovely outfit and omg the shoes! they match pretty well and i like the color of the shoes ;)

budget chic said...

Love this dress, so classic! You can go from day to night, work to evening. This is a dress staple.

Unknown said...

I am in love with that dress and those shoes. Oh my gosh I LOVE those shoes! : ) I thought it looked like black plaid and not navy blue, but what do I know? : )

Kendi Lea said...

Um, I want that dress. You look so cute!

Anonymous said...

i love that dress!!!! love it with the red heels. don't feel bad. i have the hardest time figuring out black vs. dark navy.

Anonymous said...

If you are anything like me and get dressed with minimal amounts of lighting at times :) I can see how you made the mistake. I once got to work thinking my sweater was white, blue and red, but when I got to work with blue pants, blue shoes and a white, blue and red sweater one of the parapros who is also an artist told me liked the way I mixed the blue and black, lol! I felt crazy all day! My friend and I still laugh about this several years later.

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